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Columbia-Greene Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, and, as an accredited institution, is required to complete a comprehensive self-study every eight years. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education requires the College to “demonstrate compliance with accreditation standards, conduct activities in a manner consistent with the standards, and engage in an ongoing process of self-review and improvement.”

Middle States Evaluation Team Visit – March 26-29, 2023

Columbia-Greene Community College is pleased to announce that the in-person Middle States Self-Study Evaluation Team visit will occur from Sunday March 26th through Wednesday March 29th, 2023. The eight-member Evaluation Team will review the College’s Self Study Report and meet with various campus groups over the 4-day visit. Members of the Team will also visit 5 local high schools, where College-in-the-High School classes are regularly taught. The Steering Committee co-chairs will present a summary of the major Self Study findings to the community prior to the Team Visit.

Steering  Committee Membership

President Carlee Drummer announced appointments to the Middle States Steering Committee on September 10, 2020. The Steering Committee membership comprises representatives from faculty, staff, and administrators based on their expertise, experience, and capability to commit to the multi-year self-study process. One faculty member and one full-time administrator serve as Co-chairs of the Steering Committee. Members of the Steering Committee also serve as Co-chairs for each of the seven Working Groups based on the Standards for Accreditation. An Evidence Manager, Communications Manager, and Secretary also have been assigned as standing members of the Steering Committee.

  • Steven Gavlik, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Science, Co-Chair
  • Casey O’Brien, Ed.D., Dean of Academic Affairs, Co-Chair
  • Ann Bruno, Registrar
  • Catherine Carlson, Director of Accessibility Services
  • Nicole Childrose, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History
  • Anna Cortese, Professor of Nursing
  • Geralynn Demarest, Professor and Chairperson for Library and Media Services
  • William J. DeLuca, Jr., Professor of Criminal Justice
  • Maya Greene, Associate Professor of Communications
  • Joan Koweek, Executive Director of the C-GCC Foundation
  • Andrew Ledoux, Dean of Student Development
  • Christine Perry, Secretary, Director of Development
  • Barbara Shaffer, Associate Professor of Psychology/Sociology
  • George Timmons, Ph.D., Provost/Senior V.P. for Academic and Student Affairs
  • Dianne Topple, Vice President for Administration, C.F.O.
  • Frances Winig, Evidence Manager, Associate for Records and Registration
  • Maureen Sager, Communications Manager, Director of Marketing and Communications

Intended Outcomes of the Self-Study

The completion of the self-study will allow the College to meet the following outcomes:

  • Demonstrate how the institution currently meets the Commission’s Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation;
  • Focus on continuous improvement in attaining the institution’s mission and its institutional priorities;
  • Engage the community in an inclusive and transparent self-appraisal process that actively and deliberately seeks to involve key stakeholders from diverse constituencies;
  • Leverage the collaborative nature of the self-study process to establish a series of recommendations that will inform campus-wide resource allocation decisions; and
  • Examine and identify the impacts of additional delivery options for courses, academic programs, and student support services on overall institutional effectiveness.

Questions or comments related to C-GCC’s Self Study process? Contact us below.