Programs To Power Dreams
Earn an associate’s degree before launching a career or continuing to a four-year college or university. Return to college after taking some time off. Learn a new technology to expand job opportunities. Get ahead while in high school. Or just take the time to develop a new skill. Columbia-Greene offers the ideal place to start with career-relevant courses and outstanding support services. Let’s Go, Columbia-Greene!
Pathways to Success
Degrees and Certificates
Choose from 40 different associate’s degrees and certificates designed for fulfilling, real-world careers.
Non-Credit Classes
Looking for skill-building, personal enrichment, or professional development? You’ll find all of the above in non-credit course offerings.
Workforce New York
Columbia-Greene matches job-seekers and employers alike with the training and resources to make the Counties’ workforces strong and dynamic.
Columbia-Greene offers courses for all ages and all life stages. Explore more program offerings:

Academic Support and Resources
Columbia-Greene students are never alone as they continue their education. An intimate learning environment with robust support services guarantees personalized attention from faculty and staff who know you and care about your success.